
Pastors & Staff

JR Stepp

Lead Pastor

Pastor JR Stepp - Lead Pastor
I have been in ministry in the state of Alaska since 2001. I have served as the Lead Pastor at Palmer Church of God since 2017. I am blessed to be a part of a church body that truly wants to "Be the Church." I ask God for wisdom to lead Palmer Church of God and to share a relevant message each Sunday that will help connect with Father God and with others. 

karen Roberts

children's pastor

Karen has been the Children’s Minister at Palmer Church of God since 2014 and her passion for children’s ministry only grows. She champions the church’s Operation Christmas Child ministry and it is one of her heart’s passions. 

Benita Stepp

Food Pantry coordinator

Benita calls working at the pantry her "Happy Place" . 

Daniel & Brittany Germany

Youth Pastors

Daniel and Brittany have a passion for working with teens! Brittany is an ordained pastor with the Church of God.